Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc.
ABN 14 104 820 346 Charity Registration No: A0057033E
Founded in 2010, Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc. (AAAF) was established to be the
national Australia body supporting research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for
all forms of Alopecia Areata, support those with the disease and their families,
and inform the public about all forms of Alopecia Areata.
The AAAF Committee consists of a group of dedicated individuals who work full-time or have their own business.
They contribute their time, knowledge, passion & contacts to assist the Foundation to achieve our mission.
AAAF is providing a centralised medium to connect you with your community members,
which support all facets of Alopecia Areata. AAAF is working to establish a network of
support groups throughout Australia, as meetings and talking to other people in the same situation
can be a very valuable experience. AAAF is raising funds to bring Alopecia Areata awareness into
the community. Through information sharing, AAAF is striving to eradicate the inequality of
Alopecia Areata sufferers within our schools, our work environments and our government.
AAAF receives no government funding and relies entirely on the
generosity of the community to provide these important services.
10% of each purchase on this page goes directly to AAAF